Thursday, December 5, 2013
Who is Krishna besides "Almight Supreme" ?
(Copied from a facebook page - HolyVedas / Works for Swamy Vivekananda)
Great Sannyasin
Great Sannyasin
He was the most wonderful Sannyasin, and the most wonderful householder in one; He had the most wonderful amount of Rajas, power, and was at the same time living in the midst of the most wonderful renunciation.
He is the first man, way before Buddha, to open the door of religion to every caste. That wonderful mind! That tremendously active life! Buddha's activity was on one plane, the plane of teaching. He could not keep his wife and child and become a teacher at the same time.
Calm and Sedate
Krishna preached in the midst of the battlefield. "He who in the midst of intense activity finds himself in the greatest calmness, and in the greatest peace finds intense activity, that is the greatest Yogi as well as the wisest man." It means nothing to this man — the flying of missiles about him. Calm and sedate he goes on discussing the problems of life and death. Each one of the prophets is the best commentary on his own teaching.
Essence of life :The Bhagavad Gita
Than the Gita no better commentary on the Vedas has been written or can be written. The essence of the Shrutis, or of the Upanishads , is hard to be understood, seeing that there are so many commentators, each one trying to interpret in his own way. Then the Lord Himself comes, He who is the inspirer of the Shrutis, to show us the meaning of them, as the preacher of the Gita, and today India wants nothing better, the world wants nothing better than that method of interpretation. What you find in the Gita there is no attempt at torturing any one of them. They are all right, says the Lord; for slowly and gradually the human soul rises up and up, step after step, from the gross to the fine, from the fine to the finer, until it reaches the Absolute, the goal. That is what is in the Gita.
If we study the Upanishads we notice, in wandering through the mazes of many irrelevant subjects, the sudden introduction of the discussion of a great truth, just as in the midst of a huge wilderness a traveller unexpectedly comes across here and there an exquisitely beautiful rose, with its leaves, thorns, roots, all entangled.
Compared with that, the Gita is like these truths beautifully arranged together in their proper places — like a fine garland or a bouquet of the choicest flowers. The Upanishads deal elaborately with Shraddhâ in many places, but hardly mention Bhakti. In the Gita, on the other hand, the subject of Bhakti is not only again and again dealt with, but in it, the innate spirit of Bhakti has attained its culmination.
Karma Vs Gnana
When the Gita was first preached, there was then going on a great controversy between two sects. One party considered the Vedic Yajnas and animal sacrifices and such like Karmas to constitute the whole of religion. The other preached that the killing of numberless horses and cattle cannot be called religion. The people belonging to the latter party were mostly Sannyâsins and followers of Jnâna. They believed that the giving up of all work and the gaining of the knowledge of the Self was the only path to Moksha.
So the great struggle began in India and it comes to one of its culminating points in the Gita. When it was causing fear that all India was going to be broken up between [the] two ... [groups], there rose this man Krishna, and in the Gita he tries to reconcile the ceremony and the philosophy of the priests and the people. By the preaching of His great doctrine of work without motive, the Author of the Gita set at rest the disputes of these two antagonistic sects.
Even the Karma Kanda is taken up, and it is shown that although it cannot give salvation direct; but only indirectly, yet that is also valid; images are valid indirectly; ceremonies, forms, everything is valid only with one condition, purity of the heart. For worship is valid and leads to the goal if the heart is pure and the heart is sincere; and all these various modes of worship are necessary, else why should they be there?
They are the outcome of the necessity of the human soul. They are all here to satisfy the hankering and thirst of different classes of human minds, and you need not preach against them. The day when that necessity will cease, they will vanish along with the cessation of that necessity; and so long as that necessity remains, they must be there in spite of your preaching, in spite of your criticism.
You may bring the sword or the gun into play, you may deluge the world with human blood, but so long as there is a necessity for idols, they must remain. These forms, and all the various steps in religion will remain, and we understand from the Lord Shri Krishna why they should.
"Even if you have knowledge, do not disturb the childlike faith of the ignorant. On the other hand, go down to their level and gradually bring them up. " (Gita 26.29).That is a very powerful idea, and it has become the ideal in India. That is why you can see a great philosopher going into a temple and worshipping images. It is not hypocrisy.
(To be continued....)
Everything about Gayathri Mantra
1) How many dieties are mentioned in Gayatri mantra and what is the best time to recite Gayatri mantra ?
There are 26 gods in Gayatri mantra
tat - ganesh
sa - Narasimha
vi - vishnu
tu - siva
va - krishna
re - radha
Ni - lakshmi
yam - agni
bha - indra
Rga - saraswati
dE - durga
va - hanuman
sya - prithvi
dhee - surya
ma - Sriram
hi - seetha
dhi - chandra
yo – yama
ya - brahma
na - varuna
cho - hayagreeva
da - hamsa
yaat – tulasi
"uttamaa - taara kopitaa atridhaamata" - best time for chanting Gayatri mantra is when stars are still seen in sky before sunrise,
"madhyamaa – soorya-sahitaa praataha sandhya" - medium time is when stars meet sun in the morning and in the evening.
"adhama lupta taarakaa" - worst time is after stars disappear and only sun remains in sky
That’s why ancestors practice mantras in 'braha muhurtam \ ' around 4am.
"ashtottaram sahasram va, ashtottara satam tu, va, ashtaavimsati revaada gatarrim dasakam japet"
One should chant 1008 times, or 108 time of 28 times or at least 10 times a day.
agnirmukham, brahmasirah vishnur hridayam, rudrassikha
agnirmukham, - Gayatri has fire in face,
brahmasirah - brahma the creator in forehead,
vishnur hridayam - vishnu the protector in heart and
rudrassikha - Siva the destroyer on top of head.
So its a combination of all gods.
2. How many times Gayatri Mantra should be chanted ?
3 times a day.
a) 4 to 8 AM, 4 to 8 PM are Saattvik times.
b) 8AM to 4PM is Raajsik.
c) 8PM to 4AM is Taamasik.
The best time to chant Gayatri is around 6AM, 12 Noon and 6PM.
Goddess Gayatri confers the boon of
Intelligence as Gayatri,
Protection as Savitri and
Learning as Saraswati.
Gayatri is therefore called Sarvadevata Swarupini.
By chanting at least twice a day - morning and evening - the sin committed unknowingly that day are destroyed and left over Karma is burnt. The person gets closer and closer to Divinity.Chant the Mantra 3 times when you are having a bath - it will serve the dual purpose of chanting as well as performing Abisheka to the Mantra.
Chant 3 times before eating - you would have not only purified the food, but also offered the food to the Mantra.
If you do it every day, you need not chant any other Mantra. It protects you from calamities and confers upon you intelligence
PS : Shamelessly but respectfully copied form Quora !
There are 26 gods in Gayatri mantra
tat - ganesh
sa - Narasimha
vi - vishnu
tu - siva
va - krishna
re - radha
Ni - lakshmi
yam - agni
bha - indra
Rga - saraswati
dE - durga
va - hanuman
sya - prithvi
dhee - surya
ma - Sriram
hi - seetha
dhi - chandra
yo – yama
ya - brahma
na - varuna
cho - hayagreeva
da - hamsa
yaat – tulasi
"uttamaa - taara kopitaa atridhaamata" - best time for chanting Gayatri mantra is when stars are still seen in sky before sunrise,
"madhyamaa – soorya-sahitaa praataha sandhya" - medium time is when stars meet sun in the morning and in the evening.
"adhama lupta taarakaa" - worst time is after stars disappear and only sun remains in sky
That’s why ancestors practice mantras in 'braha muhurtam \ ' around 4am.
"ashtottaram sahasram va, ashtottara satam tu, va, ashtaavimsati revaada gatarrim dasakam japet"
One should chant 1008 times, or 108 time of 28 times or at least 10 times a day.
agnirmukham, brahmasirah vishnur hridayam, rudrassikha
agnirmukham, - Gayatri has fire in face,
brahmasirah - brahma the creator in forehead,
vishnur hridayam - vishnu the protector in heart and
rudrassikha - Siva the destroyer on top of head.
So its a combination of all gods.
2. How many times Gayatri Mantra should be chanted ?
3 times a day.
a) 4 to 8 AM, 4 to 8 PM are Saattvik times.
b) 8AM to 4PM is Raajsik.
c) 8PM to 4AM is Taamasik.
The best time to chant Gayatri is around 6AM, 12 Noon and 6PM.
Goddess Gayatri confers the boon of
Intelligence as Gayatri,
Protection as Savitri and
Learning as Saraswati.
Gayatri is therefore called Sarvadevata Swarupini.
By chanting at least twice a day - morning and evening - the sin committed unknowingly that day are destroyed and left over Karma is burnt. The person gets closer and closer to Divinity.Chant the Mantra 3 times when you are having a bath - it will serve the dual purpose of chanting as well as performing Abisheka to the Mantra.
Chant 3 times before eating - you would have not only purified the food, but also offered the food to the Mantra.
If you do it every day, you need not chant any other Mantra. It protects you from calamities and confers upon you intelligence
PS : Shamelessly but respectfully copied form Quora !
An interesting story
Here is an interesting story which blowed my mind ( Shamelessly but respectfully copied form Quora !)
A wealthy old lady decides to go on a photo safari in Africa, taking her faithful aged poodle named Cuddles, along for the company.
One day the poodle starts chasing butterflies and before long, Cuddles discovers that he's lost. Wandering about, he notices a leopard heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having lunch.
The old poodle thinks, 'Oh, oh! I'm in deep doo-doo now!' Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the leopard is about to leap the old poodle exclaims loudly, 'Boy, that was one delicious leopard! I wonder if there are
any more around here?'
Hearing this, the young leopard halts his attack in mid-strike, a look of terror comes over him and he slinks away into the trees. 'Whew!' says the leopard, 'That was close! That old poodle nearly had me!'
Meanwhile, a monkey who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the leopard. So off he goes, but the old poodle sees him heading after the leopard with great speed, and figures that something must be up. The monkey soon catches up with the leopard, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the leopard.
The young leopard is furious at being made a fool of and says, 'Here, monkey, hop on my back and see what's going to happen to that conniving canine!
Now, the old poodle sees the leopard coming with the monkey on his back and thinks, 'What am I going to do now?', but instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he hasn't seen them yet, and just when they get close enough to hear, the old poodle says.
'Where's that damn monkey? I sent him off an hour ago to bring me another leopard!
Sanatan Dharma (An eternal way of living) culture & practices
1) Rangoli with rice floor
Ever wondered why do our moms and aunts decorate the front entrance of our house with rice flour ? I though below explanation fit our understanding.
Rangoli with rice floor, in front of every household is done with the intention of feeding the ants.
2) What are the uses of a cow besides milk,ghee,butter etc ?
Cow dung is different from the manure.
The cow dung is the only dung on which the dung beetles “geotrupes stercorarius” breed. These beetles make small tunnels under the dung and carry the dung into the earth and stores it.
These tunnels made by them,house earthworms, wherever there is high beetle activity there is an increase in earthworm breeding ,this increases the water infiltration on an average of 129% each extra inch. (25mm) of water absorbed 27225 gallons/ per acre (254530, 1/hc) of water to the soil reducing both flooding and drought . All this apart from increasing the fertility of the soil.
3) Why should we read "Mahabharat" ?
Chandra means moon.Moon is the ruler of the MIND (chandrama manso jaayathe..) according to Vedas.
Mahabharat deals with the different aspects of the MIND, through each character in the story. The whole story is about play of the faculties of the MIND.
Mahabharat deals with the different aspects of the MIND, through each character in the story. The whole story is about play of the faculties of the MIND.
The story especially is meant for us to analyse human mind,its actions and reactions. If one hangs on to the story aspect without getting to underlying theories,toil of our Rishies who have crafted these theories into stories will be completely lost. They are NOT MORAL stories or dictation of a RELIGION. They are stories of humans with all their plus and minus points, setting one to THINK and make proper choices..
4) How do we explain the concept of "Rebirth/ Reincarnation" scientifically ?
Universe is made of two things matter and energy. The law of physics states that matter can be created and destroyed, while energy cannot be created nor destroyed. But energy can be transferred from matter(form) to matter (form). This sprit or athma or soul as we call it is this ENERGY.
When the physical body (matter) dies , the energy /athman/soul leaves the body/matter and enters another matter/body , this transfer of energy from one matter to another matter is what we call REBIRTH.
When the physical body (matter) dies , the energy /athman/soul leaves the body/matter and enters another matter/body , this transfer of energy from one matter to another matter is what we call REBIRTH.
Now what is Karma? karma is action, which decides the vibratory frequency in the energy.Good karma increases the frequency while bad karma decreases the frequency. Even a thought, good /bad has the same effect on matter (body).
5) Why do people worship an Idol (India) ?
Worshipping an Idol serves as a primary tool to many who need it as medium to access the divinity. This process methodically takes one, from Akara (form) to Nirakara ( Formless )
Evolutionary status of every man is different.Hence one chooses the medium which is most suitable for his/her progress. This is the accomodative thought of Sanathana Dharma. Sanatan dharma believes every soul should grow at its own pace. Imposition of any thought is against its ethos.
This is the reason there is no One single HOLY BOOK for Hinduism. You find MULTIPLE methods of teachings through Shruthis ,Smrithis Puranas, Rituals etc all helping a gradual progress leading them to the ultimate Truth./ Paramathman/Bramhan .
PS :Shamelessly but respectfully copied from various sources such as Quora, twitter , facebook and other websites
Friday, November 15, 2013
Marriage Rituals and their meanings
I have been thinking to do some research and pen down my findings of scientific reasons behind our marriage rituals. Even though I haven't done much research in this regard, a quick research on "Vedical Marriage rituals" has give me a few pointers[1] to start with. I shall keep adding many more insightful information in this blog with my upcoming posts. Untill then happy reading :)
Most of the Hindu marriages conducted in India and elsewhere are both social and religious functions. There is no uniformity on their social side. These are based on local customs and traditions. On the religious side, with minor variations, they follow some specific rituals as indicated in the Vedas. The wedding ceremony and the mantras chanted therein follow scrupulously the text of the Hymn 85, Mandala X, of the Rig Veda. The marriage ceremonies are called Vaidikaceremonies as they follow the Vedic Scripture.
The more important events in a Hindu marriage are broadly as follows:
Marriage ceremonies last two days, one day prior to the Muhurtha(m) day and the day on which the actual wedding ceremony according to Vedic rites is conducted.
On each day, the ceremony begins with Pooja invoking the blessings of Lord Ganesa, (Vigneswra), who is said to remove all obstacles and bless the peaceful and orderly conduct of ceremonies.
The day previous to the marriage, it is a customary practice to visit a nearby temple, offer prayers to the presiding deity and take the Bridegroom (hereafter referred to as BG) in a procession to the hall where the marriage is conducted.
The Lagna Patrika, (a document indicating the details of the BG & Bride (hereafter referred to as B) and the timing and place of marriage, duly signed by the parents of BG & B, is read out and signed by the two sets of parents. This takes the character of a contractual document without stamp paper. Though this does not take the character of a legal document, it serves the purpose of a formal agreement binding on both the parties. In many cases, this formality is completed much before the marriage in the form of Nichiyathaartham, which is done to commit the parties to the marriage indicating a specific date for the marriage.
The next day ceremonies start with Kasi Yatra, Malai Maatral (exchange of garlands) and Oonjal (Jhoola). These have no religious significance as such. Secondly, these rituals vary from community to community, depending on the established custom and traditions.
The Kasi Yatra ritual which is peculiar to Brahmin community is the one when the father of B symbolically weans away the BG from the pursuits of Brahmacharya(m), which is symbolically represented by his journey towards Kasi (Benares or Varanasi), the seat of Vedic culture and knowledge, and requests him to enter Grahasthasrama by marrying his daughter.
Author's note: This apparently counters the very ceremony conducted thereafter (Kanyavaranam), where the B's emissary is sent to seek the hand of an identified girl from a specific family. Even then, this is continued as essential part of a marriage. Probably, this incongruancy can be explained as follows. In the ancient period, it is the boys' side which took all the initiative and was searching for a suitable girl for the boy. This has reversed amongst the Brahmins now. It is the girls' parents who search for the boys and seek their alliance. In most other communities (example: Gounders family in Tamil Nadu), the ancient system still continues. I would appreciate, if any one who reads it can offer better and more authentic explanation for it.
Oonjal, is a ladies ceremony, where BG & B are made to sit in a swing and propitiation is done, to ward off the effect of "evil eyes" (bad peoples evil thoughts or curses) on the couple.
The real and important Vedic side of the ceremony starts only thereafter; the following paragraphs indicate briefly the meaning of some of the most important rituals and mantras recited at the time of the wedding ceremony. (No attempt has been made here to reproduce the mantras in original Sanskrit or Anglicised version, as it will only confuse readers who do not have knowledge of Sanskrit.)
The very first ritual is started with mantras soliciting the bride (Kanyavaran[am])
Sequence of events following this are:
(1) Seeking the bride from an identified family through the emissary of Brahmins (Kanyaavaranam);
(2) Promise from the brides side to offer the girl in marriage (Vakthaanam);
(3) Invoking the Holy waters to purify and protect the girl from evil forces. (Here a water pot Kalasa) is established and waters of the sacred rivers and all the gods and goddesses including, Thrimurthis and Varuna, are invoked in it. The girl takes a symbolic bath with this Holy water (Kalasa Pooja);
(4) Worship of the divine power that causes sprouting (ankuraparna);
(5) Worship of ancestors (Nandi);
(6) BG receives directives from the teacher (Sama vardhanam - Kasi yatra);
(7) B escorted by bride's maid enters the hall and stands facing the BG;
(8) Meeting of the eyes (Sameekshanam);
(9) BG & B garlands each other (varmaalaa).
Author's Note: The order in which 5 to 9 are performed has changed over a period of time and now Kasi Yatra and Maalai Matral are done before Oonjal.
This is an important ritual wherein the girl is gifted away to the BG's family; B loses her family identity completely. Even the Gothram to which B belongs till marriage is changed to that of the boy.
B's father makes BG sit in a seat and washes his feet of BG considering BG to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the protector. At that time, BG recites a mantra which says:
"Let the holy water which is poured on my feet safeguard me against all enemies and let me glow in splendour equal to the Brahma. He then takes a mixed liquid made of honey and curd (and sometimes ghee is added to this)."
Then BG looks at B directly and prays to the gods (Devas) to protect B from all defects and deficiencies (in word, thought and deed) and recites mantras addressed to B by which he expects B to look beautiful, be loving to her husband and his family, be of good heart and do good things, be pious, protect the animals and the family of BG, and get good children. He then recites another mantra which removes (destroys) all bad qualities in her.
Placing Yoke on the Head of B:
B's father makes B to sit on his lap. BG places a rounded Dharbha(I) and on that places a small replica of a wooden yoke. This is expected to be witnessed by the sisters and mothers of both BG & B. When he places the right end of the yoke, he recites a mantra to indicate the following meaning. "As Apaalai was cleansed by you of all her sins and purified through the holes of a wheel, a rath(am), and a yoke, Oh, Lord Indra, cleanse this girl of all her illnesses and make her shine in splendour."
He then places gold coins on the holes of the yoke and pours Holy water in one of the holes reciting a mantra with this meaning:
Thereafter, B is (symbolically) given a bath in Holy waters with 5 mantras which seek Gods blessings to give B purity, happiness, closeness and understanding with husband, and good company.
Mangalya Dhaaran(am):
In South Indian Brahmin families, Mangalya Dhaaranam is considered to be the most important ceremony. Though there is no special mantra for this, the BG recites the following sloka:
Maangalyam thanthunaanaena mama jeevitha haethunaa /
kanttae bathnaami supahae sanjeeva sarasa satham:
The meaning is: "This yellow rope is managala suthram. This will help my longevity. I shall now tie this rope in your neck. I pray you live happily for a hundred years."
With this sloka, he ties the rope around B's neck and puts two knots in it. The third knot is usually made by BG's sister.
The next two rituals namely Panigrahanam and Sapthapathi are very important for all Hindu marriages:
"May you be steadfast as the stone; may you overcome those who intend to harm you and may you tolerate your enemies."
In this ritual, with a view to ensure long life to her husband, B offers puffed rice to Agni. The rice is poured into her hand by B's brother and with the recitation of mantras BG adds ghee to the rice and together they offer the rice to the Agni. BG goes round the Agni and once again keeps her right feet on the stone. This is done three times. The meaning of the mantras recited during the Lajahomam is summarised below:
B says:
"May my husband live long for a hundred years and may all my relatives prosper."
BG says:
"Oh, Agni, bless me, my wife and children, as you blessed Savitri and Soma.
Oh, Agni, bless the couple with perfect mental accord.
Oh, Agni, leaving her parents, my bride who is going to set up home with me, has performed all the ordained rites. Please bless us with safe travel through a path of life free from misfortunes.
(Addressing B), May Heaven, wind, the Ashwins and all the divine forces protect you on all sides and the children you bring forth until they are old enough to take care of themselves."
BG then unties the Darbai rope from B's waist and promises a happy married life for her.
BG then creates a homa kunda(m) on the north-east side and invokes Lord Agni in it. With B touching his shoulders through a Darbai, he then offer ghee in the Agni and recites certain mantras to convey the following:
"May the Lord creator grant us progeny.
May the Lord anoint us together for longevity.
The auspicious Lord has given you to me. Let us enter our home.
May you bring facility to all living beings.
May we both be together in our home and never be parted.
May we both attain long life."
B there after says:
"With full willingness, I enter this holy house having plenty of food and flowing ghee and resided by good minded and brave people with lot of good will and pure mind and thoughts."
Placing a Child on B's Lap:
So far, B has been sitting to the right of BG. Now she shifts and sits to his left side. A male child from a family in which no death of a child has taken place, is made to sit on the lap of B. ( The idea is B should get such healthy male children.) The child is given fruits with a mantras which convey the following meaning:
"Oh fruits, as you cause growth in those who eat you, bless this girl with good progeny."
"Let the children so born bring love and affection."
Addressing B, the mantra says:
"Be aware of your duties to your husband and guests; propagate good deeds to all those you have contacts."
"Let this pure girl be blessed with happiness and prosperity."
Other Rituals B looks at the Pole Star and says:
"Oh, Pole Star (Dhruva Nakshatram), as you are fixed for ever, let me be similarly fixed in this home; Protect me from my enemies."
BG and B looks at the Arundathi* Star in the constellation of Great Bears and BG says:
"Keeping Arundathi* star in view, let my wife be like Arundathi and grow to be the eighth of the (model) pathnis."
(* Arundathi was the most sacred amongst the wives of the Saptha rishis and a model to be followed by all the married women.) Wedding Vows BG and B look at each other and feed each other with curd and fruits. BG says:
"My wife, with bonds of the food that we eat together, with the many hued threads of life, may we bind our minds and heart with the knot of truth."
BG and B touch each other's heart and both pray as follows: B says:
"May our hearts be in harmony with our mutual aims and resolutions. May our minds be in accord. United in mind, may we be pleased with each other's words. May the Lord of wisdom wholly unite us both."
BG says:
"This, which is your heart, may it my heart and this, which is my heart, may it be your heart."
B says:
"From that which makes the ocean holy, the air vital, all actions complete in cosmic order, may we derive harmonious thoughts and the power to realise them."
BG places kumkum in the middle portion of the hair at the top centre of the forehead and says:
"We are freed from all the bonds in our lives up to now, bonds which ordained by the Supreme Lord for our protection in our unmarried state. In this Universe of righteous order and righteous action, we have become each other's life partner."
Concluding the Agni worship, BG says:
"Oh Creator, cleanse us from all sins and confer on us what is auspicious."
Water is sprinkled around the Agni.
"Oh Lord Adithi, Anumathi, and Saraswathi, you gave us leave to do this worship. Oh Lord Creator, you bless us. Our Salutations to you Oh Supreme Lord."
BG and B fold hands in prayer and say:
"Oh Glorious Lord, lead us in the righteous path to enjoy the riches we earn. You know all our thoughts. Destroy the hidden tendencies that could lead us astray. We worship you with all our heart. with all the worshipful words, that we have at our command."
BG and B walk around the Agni three times and each time bow in reverence. Aseervath(am)-Blessings The priest and elders bless the couple with several mantras to convey the following:
"Let the mantras, the holy chants, uttered during this ceremony be true and bear fruit."
"Let this period of time when these two were married prove to be very auspicious period in their life. Let all the benefits that the celestial powers can confer be conferred on this couple."
"Let all the inauspicious planets confer benefits as if they are in auspicious position; let all the auspices planets yield manifold benefits."
"Let this couple who is setting up a household be blessed with long life, health, fame, vitality, material wealth, steadiness of purpose, fulfilment, blessedness, compassion, spiritual lustre, impeccable virtue and happiness and let this couple be ever engaged in celebration of happiness, ever filled with happiness and ever immersed in happiness."
"Let the people all over the world be free from illness and other distress, be followers of righteous conduct, be strong, be without jealousy and be compassionate."
Auspicious indeed is the bride. "Oh all of you assembled here come and see her. Bless her with all felicity before you all go to your respective homes." When these mantras are uttered by the priests, every one present says "Thathaastu," meaning "So it be."
After these, Mangala Aarthi is performed by ladies; this concludes the vedic rituals concerning Hindu marriages.
[1]With all due respect to the original authors of this blog contents, Contents of this blog copied shamelessly but respectfully from
Hindu Religion: Mantras and Rituals in Hindu Marriages [With Meaning]
This is intended to be circulated in the Internet for the benefit of Young people residing outside India and who may not have much knowledge of the wedding rituals and their significance in marital life. It might be worthwhile for young unmarried people to recall the meaning of the respective mantras so as to be fully involved with the rituals and derive the benefits of reciting these. Before attempting to present the above, I have consulted authoritative books on the subject and people who are well versed in Sanskrit literature and Vedas. I shall appreciate suggestions to improve its contents
Mantras and Rituals in Hindu Marriages
Most of the Hindu marriages conducted in India and elsewhere are both social and religious functions. There is no uniformity on their social side. These are based on local customs and traditions. On the religious side, with minor variations, they follow some specific rituals as indicated in the Vedas. The wedding ceremony and the mantras chanted therein follow scrupulously the text of the Hymn 85, Mandala X, of the Rig Veda. The marriage ceremonies are called Vaidikaceremonies as they follow the Vedic Scripture.
The more important events in a Hindu marriage are broadly as follows:
Marriage ceremonies last two days, one day prior to the Muhurtha(m) day and the day on which the actual wedding ceremony according to Vedic rites is conducted.
On each day, the ceremony begins with Pooja invoking the blessings of Lord Ganesa, (Vigneswra), who is said to remove all obstacles and bless the peaceful and orderly conduct of ceremonies.
The day previous to the marriage, it is a customary practice to visit a nearby temple, offer prayers to the presiding deity and take the Bridegroom (hereafter referred to as BG) in a procession to the hall where the marriage is conducted.
The Lagna Patrika, (a document indicating the details of the BG & Bride (hereafter referred to as B) and the timing and place of marriage, duly signed by the parents of BG & B, is read out and signed by the two sets of parents. This takes the character of a contractual document without stamp paper. Though this does not take the character of a legal document, it serves the purpose of a formal agreement binding on both the parties. In many cases, this formality is completed much before the marriage in the form of Nichiyathaartham, which is done to commit the parties to the marriage indicating a specific date for the marriage.
The next day ceremonies start with Kasi Yatra, Malai Maatral (exchange of garlands) and Oonjal (Jhoola). These have no religious significance as such. Secondly, these rituals vary from community to community, depending on the established custom and traditions.
The Kasi Yatra ritual which is peculiar to Brahmin community is the one when the father of B symbolically weans away the BG from the pursuits of Brahmacharya(m), which is symbolically represented by his journey towards Kasi (Benares or Varanasi), the seat of Vedic culture and knowledge, and requests him to enter Grahasthasrama by marrying his daughter.
Author's note: This apparently counters the very ceremony conducted thereafter (Kanyavaranam), where the B's emissary is sent to seek the hand of an identified girl from a specific family. Even then, this is continued as essential part of a marriage. Probably, this incongruancy can be explained as follows. In the ancient period, it is the boys' side which took all the initiative and was searching for a suitable girl for the boy. This has reversed amongst the Brahmins now. It is the girls' parents who search for the boys and seek their alliance. In most other communities (example: Gounders family in Tamil Nadu), the ancient system still continues. I would appreciate, if any one who reads it can offer better and more authentic explanation for it.
Oonjal, is a ladies ceremony, where BG & B are made to sit in a swing and propitiation is done, to ward off the effect of "evil eyes" (bad peoples evil thoughts or curses) on the couple.
The real and important Vedic side of the ceremony starts only thereafter; the following paragraphs indicate briefly the meaning of some of the most important rituals and mantras recited at the time of the wedding ceremony. (No attempt has been made here to reproduce the mantras in original Sanskrit or Anglicised version, as it will only confuse readers who do not have knowledge of Sanskrit.)
The very first ritual is started with mantras soliciting the bride (Kanyavaran[am])
Sequence of events following this are:
(1) Seeking the bride from an identified family through the emissary of Brahmins (Kanyaavaranam);
(2) Promise from the brides side to offer the girl in marriage (Vakthaanam);
(3) Invoking the Holy waters to purify and protect the girl from evil forces. (Here a water pot Kalasa) is established and waters of the sacred rivers and all the gods and goddesses including, Thrimurthis and Varuna, are invoked in it. The girl takes a symbolic bath with this Holy water (Kalasa Pooja);
(4) Worship of the divine power that causes sprouting (ankuraparna);
(5) Worship of ancestors (Nandi);
(6) BG receives directives from the teacher (Sama vardhanam - Kasi yatra);
(7) B escorted by bride's maid enters the hall and stands facing the BG;
(8) Meeting of the eyes (Sameekshanam);
(9) BG & B garlands each other (varmaalaa).
Author's Note: The order in which 5 to 9 are performed has changed over a period of time and now Kasi Yatra and Maalai Matral are done before Oonjal.
Kanyaadhaanam (Giving away the bride):
This is an important ritual wherein the girl is gifted away to the BG's family; B loses her family identity completely. Even the Gothram to which B belongs till marriage is changed to that of the boy.
B's father makes BG sit in a seat and washes his feet of BG considering BG to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the protector. At that time, BG recites a mantra which says:
"Let the holy water which is poured on my feet safeguard me against all enemies and let me glow in splendour equal to the Brahma. He then takes a mixed liquid made of honey and curd (and sometimes ghee is added to this)."
Then BG looks at B directly and prays to the gods (Devas) to protect B from all defects and deficiencies (in word, thought and deed) and recites mantras addressed to B by which he expects B to look beautiful, be loving to her husband and his family, be of good heart and do good things, be pious, protect the animals and the family of BG, and get good children. He then recites another mantra which removes (destroys) all bad qualities in her.
Placing Yoke on the Head of B:
B's father makes B to sit on his lap. BG places a rounded Dharbha(I) and on that places a small replica of a wooden yoke. This is expected to be witnessed by the sisters and mothers of both BG & B. When he places the right end of the yoke, he recites a mantra to indicate the following meaning. "As Apaalai was cleansed by you of all her sins and purified through the holes of a wheel, a rath(am), and a yoke, Oh, Lord Indra, cleanse this girl of all her illnesses and make her shine in splendour."
He then places gold coins on the holes of the yoke and pours Holy water in one of the holes reciting a mantra with this meaning:
"Let these gold coins bring you prosperity and happiness. Let the Holy water purify you and bring happiness to you. You can thereafter offer your body to your husband."
Mangal(a) Snaan(am):
Thereafter, B is (symbolically) given a bath in Holy waters with 5 mantras which seek Gods blessings to give B purity, happiness, closeness and understanding with husband, and good company.
Koorai (Wedding) Saree:
The wedding saree is worn specially for the marriage ceremony. The type and colour of the saree depend upon family custom. It is usually in red (arakku) colour. It is given to B with a mantra by the priest. After B comes back wearing the saree, BG ties a rope made of Darbai around her waist with a mantra which says: "With a good heart and praying for good children, long life for the husband and good health, B is sitting near Agni. Tying this rope I take her to the sacred wedding ceremonies."
He, then, holds the right hand of B and takes her to a carpet spread near the Agni and recites mantras to indicate and acknowledge the boon given by Soman, Gandharvan and Agni in giving her strength, beauty, and youth to B for his enjoyment.
He, then, holds the right hand of B and takes her to a carpet spread near the Agni and recites mantras to indicate and acknowledge the boon given by Soman, Gandharvan and Agni in giving her strength, beauty, and youth to B for his enjoyment.
Mangalya Dhaaran(am):
In South Indian Brahmin families, Mangalya Dhaaranam is considered to be the most important ceremony. Though there is no special mantra for this, the BG recites the following sloka:
Maangalyam thanthunaanaena mama jeevitha haethunaa /
kanttae bathnaami supahae sanjeeva sarasa satham:
The meaning is: "This yellow rope is managala suthram. This will help my longevity. I shall now tie this rope in your neck. I pray you live happily for a hundred years."
With this sloka, he ties the rope around B's neck and puts two knots in it. The third knot is usually made by BG's sister.
The next two rituals namely Panigrahanam and Sapthapathi are very important for all Hindu marriages:
After Mangalyadharanam, BG lowers his right hand and catches B's right hand with all the fingers together. Four mantras are recited at that time, to convey the following:
1. I hold your hand to keep you with me to raise good children and till you become old. Devatas including Indra have offered you to me to become the Lady in charge of the house.
2. Sun God/Lord Agni, who have been powerful when they were having their "Grahasthasrama" has given you to me.
3. Oh, Goddess Saraswathi, you should protect us well. We will offer our oblations to you before all the creatures of this world.
4. Let the Vayu God who cleanseth and pervades all directions and corners, and who holds Gold in his hand and is the counterpart of Agni, unite you with me in mind and thought.
After this, Sapthapathi is performed.
1. I hold your hand to keep you with me to raise good children and till you become old. Devatas including Indra have offered you to me to become the Lady in charge of the house.
2. Sun God/Lord Agni, who have been powerful when they were having their "Grahasthasrama" has given you to me.
3. Oh, Goddess Saraswathi, you should protect us well. We will offer our oblations to you before all the creatures of this world.
4. Let the Vayu God who cleanseth and pervades all directions and corners, and who holds Gold in his hand and is the counterpart of Agni, unite you with me in mind and thought.
After this, Sapthapathi is performed.
The bridegroom(BG) gets up from the seat holding the right hand of the bride(B). He then goes round the Holy Fire (Agni) from the right side, by lifting the right feet of B step by step. This is done for seven steps. With each step, he recites a mantra addressed to B, with the following meaning.
"Let Lord Maha Vishnu follow each one of your steps for the following specific purposes.
Step 1: To give you unlimited food.
Step 2. To give you excellent health and energy.
Step 3. To make you perform your vrithas (rituals) as ordained in Vedas, during your life time.
Step 4. To give you happiness in life.
Step 5. To make your cows and good animals to grow in strength and in numbers.
Step 6. To make all the seasons be beneficial to you.
Step 7. To make the homams (sacrifices to be done in Holy Fire) to be performed by you in your life as ordained in Vedas, successful and free from hindrances."
Obviously, the idea behind this is to pray to Lord Vishnu, the protector of life, for his blessings in marital life.
BG then recites a mantra to convey the following meaning:
"After crossing seven steps with me thus, you should become my friend. I too have become your friend now. I will never discord this friendship and you should not also do that. Let us be together always. Let us resolve to do things in life in the same manner and tread the same path. Let us lead a life by liking and loving each other, having good heart and thoughts, and enjoying the food and our strong points together. Let us have undivided opinions. We will perform the vrithas united. Let us have same and joint desires. I will be Sama (one of the vedas); you will be Rig (another Veda). Let me be the Heaven; you be the Earth. Let me be the Shukla (Moon) and you be its wearer. Let me be the mind and you its spokesman (Vak). With these qualities, you be my follower. You the sweet tongued, come to me to get good male children and wealth."
Author's note: These are pregnant with meaning and it would have a better effect, if the these mantras are explained to BG & B in advance; unfortunately it is not done now. In fact, both BG & B go through these rituals as a matter of routine. Even the visitors show least attention to the ceremonies that followMangalyadhaaranam.
"Let Lord Maha Vishnu follow each one of your steps for the following specific purposes.
Step 1: To give you unlimited food.
Step 2. To give you excellent health and energy.
Step 3. To make you perform your vrithas (rituals) as ordained in Vedas, during your life time.
Step 4. To give you happiness in life.
Step 5. To make your cows and good animals to grow in strength and in numbers.
Step 6. To make all the seasons be beneficial to you.
Step 7. To make the homams (sacrifices to be done in Holy Fire) to be performed by you in your life as ordained in Vedas, successful and free from hindrances."
Obviously, the idea behind this is to pray to Lord Vishnu, the protector of life, for his blessings in marital life.
BG then recites a mantra to convey the following meaning:
"After crossing seven steps with me thus, you should become my friend. I too have become your friend now. I will never discord this friendship and you should not also do that. Let us be together always. Let us resolve to do things in life in the same manner and tread the same path. Let us lead a life by liking and loving each other, having good heart and thoughts, and enjoying the food and our strong points together. Let us have undivided opinions. We will perform the vrithas united. Let us have same and joint desires. I will be Sama (one of the vedas); you will be Rig (another Veda). Let me be the Heaven; you be the Earth. Let me be the Shukla (Moon) and you be its wearer. Let me be the mind and you its spokesman (Vak). With these qualities, you be my follower. You the sweet tongued, come to me to get good male children and wealth."
Author's note: These are pregnant with meaning and it would have a better effect, if the these mantras are explained to BG & B in advance; unfortunately it is not done now. In fact, both BG & B go through these rituals as a matter of routine. Even the visitors show least attention to the ceremonies that followMangalyadhaaranam.
Ashmarohanam (Treading the Stone):
BG then holds B's toe of the right leg and places it on a stone placed to the right side of Agni(fire). While doing so, he says through mantra: "May you be steadfast as the stone; may you overcome those who intend to harm you and may you tolerate your enemies."
B says:
"May my husband live long for a hundred years and may all my relatives prosper."
BG says:
"Oh, Agni, bless me, my wife and children, as you blessed Savitri and Soma.
Oh, Agni, bless the couple with perfect mental accord.
Oh, Agni, leaving her parents, my bride who is going to set up home with me, has performed all the ordained rites. Please bless us with safe travel through a path of life free from misfortunes.
(Addressing B), May Heaven, wind, the Ashwins and all the divine forces protect you on all sides and the children you bring forth until they are old enough to take care of themselves."
BG then unties the Darbai rope from B's waist and promises a happy married life for her.
Grahapravesam (Establishing of the new household or entering BG's house):
Certain mantras are recited for the safe passage of BG & B up to BG's house to establish a new household. These have no significance in marriages conducted in marriage halls in cities. In most marriages, logistics do not permit BG to take bride to his house. The function is symbolically done in the room allotted to BG's family members. BG enters his house with B, carrying the Agni in a mud pot from the Homa Kunda(m) in the marriage hall. B places her right foot first while entering the allotted place. BG then creates a homa kunda(m) on the north-east side and invokes Lord Agni in it. With B touching his shoulders through a Darbai, he then offer ghee in the Agni and recites certain mantras to convey the following:
"May the Lord creator grant us progeny.
May the Lord anoint us together for longevity.
The auspicious Lord has given you to me. Let us enter our home.
May you bring facility to all living beings.
May we both be together in our home and never be parted.
May we both attain long life."
B there after says:
"With full willingness, I enter this holy house having plenty of food and flowing ghee and resided by good minded and brave people with lot of good will and pure mind and thoughts."
Placing a Child on B's Lap:
"Oh fruits, as you cause growth in those who eat you, bless this girl with good progeny."
"Let the children so born bring love and affection."
Addressing B, the mantra says:
"Be aware of your duties to your husband and guests; propagate good deeds to all those you have contacts."
"Let this pure girl be blessed with happiness and prosperity."
Other Rituals B looks at the Pole Star and says:
"Oh, Pole Star (Dhruva Nakshatram), as you are fixed for ever, let me be similarly fixed in this home; Protect me from my enemies."
BG and B looks at the Arundathi* Star in the constellation of Great Bears and BG says:
"Keeping Arundathi* star in view, let my wife be like Arundathi and grow to be the eighth of the (model) pathnis."
(* Arundathi was the most sacred amongst the wives of the Saptha rishis and a model to be followed by all the married women.) Wedding Vows BG and B look at each other and feed each other with curd and fruits. BG says:
"My wife, with bonds of the food that we eat together, with the many hued threads of life, may we bind our minds and heart with the knot of truth."
BG and B touch each other's heart and both pray as follows: B says:
"May our hearts be in harmony with our mutual aims and resolutions. May our minds be in accord. United in mind, may we be pleased with each other's words. May the Lord of wisdom wholly unite us both."
BG says:
"This, which is your heart, may it my heart and this, which is my heart, may it be your heart."
B says:
"From that which makes the ocean holy, the air vital, all actions complete in cosmic order, may we derive harmonious thoughts and the power to realise them."
BG places kumkum in the middle portion of the hair at the top centre of the forehead and says:
"We are freed from all the bonds in our lives up to now, bonds which ordained by the Supreme Lord for our protection in our unmarried state. In this Universe of righteous order and righteous action, we have become each other's life partner."
Concluding the Agni worship, BG says:
"Oh Creator, cleanse us from all sins and confer on us what is auspicious."
Water is sprinkled around the Agni.
"Oh Lord Adithi, Anumathi, and Saraswathi, you gave us leave to do this worship. Oh Lord Creator, you bless us. Our Salutations to you Oh Supreme Lord."
BG and B fold hands in prayer and say:
"Oh Glorious Lord, lead us in the righteous path to enjoy the riches we earn. You know all our thoughts. Destroy the hidden tendencies that could lead us astray. We worship you with all our heart. with all the worshipful words, that we have at our command."
BG and B walk around the Agni three times and each time bow in reverence. Aseervath(am)-Blessings The priest and elders bless the couple with several mantras to convey the following:
"Let the mantras, the holy chants, uttered during this ceremony be true and bear fruit."
"Let this period of time when these two were married prove to be very auspicious period in their life. Let all the benefits that the celestial powers can confer be conferred on this couple."
"Let all the inauspicious planets confer benefits as if they are in auspicious position; let all the auspices planets yield manifold benefits."
"Let this couple who is setting up a household be blessed with long life, health, fame, vitality, material wealth, steadiness of purpose, fulfilment, blessedness, compassion, spiritual lustre, impeccable virtue and happiness and let this couple be ever engaged in celebration of happiness, ever filled with happiness and ever immersed in happiness."
"Let the people all over the world be free from illness and other distress, be followers of righteous conduct, be strong, be without jealousy and be compassionate."
Auspicious indeed is the bride. "Oh all of you assembled here come and see her. Bless her with all felicity before you all go to your respective homes." When these mantras are uttered by the priests, every one present says "Thathaastu," meaning "So it be."
After these, Mangala Aarthi is performed by ladies; this concludes the vedic rituals concerning Hindu marriages.
Marriage Registration:
It is a practice now a days to get the wedding registered as per the provisions of the Hindu Law. Though the marriages conducted in the manner described above are conclusive evidence and are acceptable in a court of law, in most marriages registration is done as a matter of abundant precaution and to meet the requirements of law requiring proof of marriage.This is intended to be circulated in the Internet for the benefit of Young people residing outside India and who may not have much knowledge of the wedding rituals and their significance in marital life. It might be worthwhile for young unmarried people to recall the meaning of the respective mantras so as to be fully involved with the rituals and derive the benefits of reciting these. Before attempting to present the above, I have consulted authoritative books on the subject and people who are well versed in Sanskrit literature and Vedas. I shall appreciate suggestions to improve its contentsRef:
[1]With all due respect to the original authors of this blog contents, Contents of this blog copied shamelessly but respectfully from
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Repeated Themes - 2
Always believe that when some body observes our mistakes and
never brings to our notice, It’s their greatness to hide from you to avoid
disappointing you. And It's our foolishness in not realizing our mistake.
Diplomatic people are always intelligent and smart!
Life is a Game .The more Interestingly you play, The more
interesting it will be.
For the one who is neophyte in the eight fold of yoga, work is
said to be the means. And for the ones who has elevated in yoga, Cessation of
all material activities is said to be means. So strive for sacrificing the
fruit of activity.
Every one has to start somewhere to reach their dreams. That
start can be nothing. So never get scared to start form scratch.
All reasonable men adapt them selves to this world. Only a few
unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to them selves.
All progress in this world depends on these unreasonable men and
their innovative and non-conformist actions.
Everybody has at least one intelligent and one dumb faculty. If
you get them then you will get them (the person) too.
Giving an advice for the solution to a problem is a win-lose situation.
But treating the person's spirit guarantees a win regardless of the outcome!!
Don’t chase the success. Strive for excellence.
Some people influence your way of thinking , reasoning through
their faculties .Never lose them and be conformist to them. Once you submit you
see a resonance!!
Long-range goals keep you from being frustrated with short term failures.
Hence believe in having a vision.
Life is really Spiritual Unfolding!!
Don't look at the problem you know. Look at the solution.
PS: Above statements made a difference in my life. I have blogged
them here for you to experience while reading and make difference. Hope I meet
what i intend to do.
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